Friday, September 18, 2009

Movie Marathon


Did I mention in my blog before that I'm actually in the midst of holidays right now? I guess I did not. =P So, if you've been wondering why there are many updates in this week, then your question is answered now.

So, few of us ( PM8-ers ) went to Mid Valley with Mr. Peter yesterday. And the main reason of this outing was to catch a movie, but we ended up with a movie marathon instead. It wasn't too bad to walk into the cinema twice in a day. Furthermore, I always wanted to have a movie marathon before this.

The movies of our choice were "Tsunami at Haeundae" and "Where Got Ghost?". Frankly speaking, "Tsunami at Haeundae" is really worth watching. I didn't expect it to be such a good movie in fact. You'll laugh and you'll also shed a tear for this movie. Definitely one of the best Korean movie that I've ever watched. "Where Got Ghost?" was pretty okay, bringing out moral values in every short story. I didn't watch for some of the parts though. =P

In 10 minutes time, a mega-tsunami will hit that very spot you're standing on without mercy.

What will you do?

Where would you go?

Can you save the one you love?

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