Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Maybe Yes

Girls are superheroes. Who else could bleed for a week or a month and not die?

Found this quote somewhere, and it actually made me laughed for a second. And if girls are superheroes, I wish to have another ability, the ability to read minds. Alright, it's impossible, better quit dreaming now. :)

Also, spotted this picture earlier. Omgeee, the cupcakes are so pretty! I don't think I'll eat them if somebody give me those cupcakes, I will probably stare at them for hours. Gosh, mouth-watering little things. ( Hui Ling, if you see this, please figure out how to bake them! Weeeee. )

1 comment:

Hui Ling said...

itu banyak hard.i not that pro lah. ><