Monday, December 8, 2008

Hectic Month

Okay, in case you are wondering why I don't update my blog when I should be really free these days, then this post is definitely answering all your questions. It's a real hectic month for me. Why? Yes, because I'm working. Just to spend my time wisely and also I wanna earn money. :)

Seriously, I've got many pending posts because I haven't edit all the photos yet ( In order to save my time uploading all the large file ). Do visit my blog after a few days, and I promise there will be new updates. I hope to publish all of them in a shot though.

Anyway, I went to Taylor's College yesterday with mummy for its Open Day. June and Kelly went there too. Just to make everything short, I registered yesterday, for January intake. I couldn't believe it either. So, if anybody of you interested to study in Taylor's, we might meet each other. :P

P.S: Upcoming posts: Sunway Lagoon with F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

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