If you've been following me on Twitter, you must have came across a tweet which I posted last night. No worries, I'm safe and sound and I didn't get into any kind of accidents. You must be thinking what does the "BANG" mean then, aren't you?
To cut the story short, my house was struck by the lightning. The lightning prevention system, or whatever you name it, obviously didn't work like how it did for the past 6 years. When I was about to unplug all the computers, modem and router, the lightning actually struck the modem right in front of me. Few centimetres away from me only, thank God. But the modem wasn't as lucky as I was, it exploded. Damages were caused, quite a number of them.
Anyways, I wouldn't want to elaborate on that. On a brighter note, I guess I would be able to see new computers or electronic devices soon. =P Oh, fellow technicians who are working in Telekom or Streamyx, if you guys happen to see this, please revive my internet connection ASAP. Thanks! :)
P.S: The odds of being struck by lightning are estimated at 1 in 700, 000 in a given year. ( Yes, I Google-ed. ) Should I ask my parents to buy lottery tickets tonight? Haha!
P.P.S: Now I think that I'm stupid. I searched online and found out that turning stuff off and unplugging stuff has also proved to do nothing except putting people in danger while they are doing it. I risked my LIFE for nothing!
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