We celebrated Cik Abby's wedding in the school today. Of course, it wasn't her wedding day yet. However, we celebrated it with her earlier as none of us are going 2 attend her wedding. At the same time, 2day is Min Yee's [ our beloved assistant monitor ] birthday too. So, we bought a present for Cik Abby n a cake for both of them. Although it wasn't fun enough to have it in the class, but we didn't have any other choice. We were given half an hour to settle all this only. By the way, it's better then nothing also. [ Pictures will be uploaded below ]
In addition, we dissected a rat today. I believed that this biology class was the best class ever. We had lots of fun indeed. It's undeniable that I felt kinda 'geli' at the first place. But not long after that, I got used to it and felt it's kinda fun to dissect it and observe its organ. Sounds like maniac huh me?? =]
Seriously, my group was the cleanest group of all if it's compared to the other groups. We were really good to our rat. Other groups cut out the organs one by one and done lots of stuff to it. And I seriously 'terpegun' with what Jaren's group done. I can't believe it myself either. They somehow skinned the rat, although it's not alive. When I saw that, I somehow pitied the rat. =P
By the way, our group's rat was a female rat. One of us, I forgot who, or maybe me myself cut its ovary along with its Fallopian tube out without realising. I know it's a bit cruel. But we DIDN'T mean to do so. And we believed that it has just taken its meal when it died. It's because its stomach was full of food. Although we wanna examine the brain of the rat, but we've got not enough time and it's skull was too hard. So, we failed to do so. Well, I guess that's all about this rat. Pictures will be uploaded also.
*The Cake*
*4 JOY*
*Shorter edi orhx me*
*Promoting rat??*
*4 of us b4 dissecting d rat*
*S3t, M3, KaReN, JiUnN HuAh*