Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stupid Clutch

I just came home. From? Bangi. Had my last driving lesson just now. Seriously, I am not talented in driving at all, okay? When I settled one part, another one definitely goes off track. Why can't I make the best of the both world? =[

Today's parking and going on the small little hill were pretty good.I am really good in parking now, so no worries. And guess what? The dumb idiotic on the road caused me some problem. Gosh, I really dunno how am I supposed to pass on Tuesday! I'm just a new learner wad, and the stupid road got so many cars passing by, how to cross the junction? By the time I finished with everything and ready to cross, more cars coming already. Isshh-ness..

And some of the drivers were so inconsiderate. Hello, How did you get your license last time? Don't go into others' lane, especially when you turn into another junction okay? Two cars nearly bang me today. Should have go and learn everything from the starting! I hate the road to the max, just like the one heading to my school. Small, many cars and all disobey rules!

*Red spots: Coz of the steerling =[*

P.S: Please, I don't wanna take the test again~ =[

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